Genealogy Goals 2020

Genealogy Goals for 2020 (ok, suggestions)

I admire people who can make a list of goals, work the plan and get it done. Me, well, I start with a list and then it goes out the window; I never know where the list is, or get discouraged when I want to check something off the list and it's 2 AM and I can't go out and get it done. Suffice to say, I love making lists just not actually using them.

But, I've been so overwhelmed with my genealogy research that I'm making some To Do Lists, with short easy to achieve tasks.

These short tasks I'm hoping will keep me from going down too many rabbit holes (ok, we all know it happens it's just time to rein them in a bit).

So, my 1st task on my list is: 1 DNA match group per week! There I'm putting my foot down. I tend to see a match, go searching then see something else and next thing you know I was looking for my Jennings matches, which are on my paternal grandfather's side, then I'm off looking for something else and then I forget where I was so I go on to a new line. Nope, not any more, I'll write the weeks Surname for matches to sort on my board and stick with it. So, to kick it off early, this week is JENNINGS (see group sheet below).

Add spouses to siblings on my tree: 1 family group per week. I know I could add more in a week, but I don't want it to feel too overwhelming. I have notes on my desktop software about the spouses I just never made a family card for most of them. Now, with so many DNA matches I need to see where some of these others names are coming from.

Scanning documents - UUUGGGHHHH. I will set aside 1 day per month for scanning and sorting of photos and documents. That's it.

Blog Posts - I'm determined to get more of these old family pics and documents out to distant family members so I will be putting more up here.

Easy Peasy! Yea (big eye roll here) right! At least it is a start.


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